7 Ways to Read More Books

Reading offers countless benefits, from improving cognitive function to providing escapism and entertainment. It’s a gateway to knowledge, helping us to understand the world around us and develop skills that enrich our personal and professional lives. However, as the pace of modern life accelerates, finding time to read can seem challenging for many people.

The good news is, irrespective of how busy you may be, there are effective strategies to integrate more reading into your daily routine. As the saying goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way,” and the journey to reading more starts with making a conscious choice.

By employing a combination of goal setting, the right selection of reading materials, technological solutions, and dedicated time management, you can successfully create a sustainable reading habit. This article will explore some practical ways to help you achieve just that.

1. Set Achievable Goals

One of the most critical steps in cultivating a reading habit is setting achievable, specific goals. Rather than vaguely stating that you’ll “read more,” pinpoint the number of pages or chapters you’ll aim to read each day or week.

Concrete goals will give you something tangible to work towards, making it easier to track your progress and stay motivated. A sense of accomplishment is one of the most powerful motivators, and as you reach each minor milestone, you’ll feel increasingly inspired to read even more.

2. Choose the Right Material

While there’s a sea of reading material available, not every book or article will resonate with you. If you’re reading solely for pleasure, select genres and topics that genuinely interest you. For professional or academic reading, try to balance necessity with a topic you find stimulating.

Choosing the right material not only ensures that you’ll remain engaged, but it also makes it far easier to prioritise reading. The prospect of delving into a book that captivates your imagination or broadens your understanding is always far more enticing than slogging through a text that doesn’t hold your interest.

3. Leverage Technology

In an era where smartphones and digital devices are omnipresent, utilising technology can be a practical way to read more. Apps like Audible allow you to listen to audiobooks while you’re on the move, converting otherwise ‘wasted’ time into valuable reading time.

Similarly, eBook readers like the Kindle offer a convenient way to carry multiple books without the added weight, making it easier to read during commutes or travel. Features like adjustable text size, built-in dictionaries, and highlighting options also enhance the reading experience.

4. Create a Reading Schedule

Allocating specific time slots for reading can be incredibly effective in establishing a consistent habit. Choose times that work best for you—whether it’s during your lunch break, before bed, or early in the morning—and stick to them.

Being consistent with your reading schedule not only helps in time management but also conditions your mind to anticipate and enjoy that dedicated reading time. Soon, you’ll find that it becomes a natural part of your daily routine, much like eating or sleeping.

5. Eliminate Distractions

Reading requires a certain level of focus and concentration, which can be easily disrupted by distractions like smartphones, television, or other people. Therefore, creating a quiet, dedicated space for reading can make a world of difference.

Simple steps like putting your phone on ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode, or informing your family about your reading time, can help maintain a distraction-free environment. This allows you to immerse yourself fully in the reading material, enhancing both your enjoyment and comprehension.

6. Join a Reading Group

A community of like-minded individuals can be a powerful motivator for cultivating a strong reading habit. Joining a book club or reading group offers a sense of accountability, as you’ll need to complete books to participate in discussions.

This social aspect of reading can add an extra layer of enjoyment and inspiration. You’ll likely find yourself exploring genres and topics that you wouldn’t have considered otherwise, enriching your reading repertoire and expanding your horizons.

7. Keep a Reading Journal

Maintaining a reading journal allows you to document your thoughts, favourite quotes, or even questions that arise as you read. This not only serves as a reflection of your reading journey but also encourages deeper engagement with the material.

Writing down your impressions or notes helps to solidify the information and provides a resource you can return to in the future. It adds a layer of activity to your reading, turning it from a passive to an active engagement, and thus makes it a more enriching experience.


Reading is a rewarding activity that offers numerous benefits for your mental and emotional well-being. It broadens your horizons, improves your vocabulary, and even aids in stress reduction. While it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, integrating more reading into your routine is far from impossible.

By setting achievable goals, picking material that captivates you, harnessing the power of technology, scheduling reading time, eliminating distractions, joining a reading community, and keeping a journal, you set yourself up for a fulfilling and sustainable reading habit. So go ahead and turn that page; a world of discovery awaits you.

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