50 Examples of Active and Passive Voice

Mastering the art of effective communication is a journey that involves understanding various linguistic tools and techniques. Among these, the distinction between active and passive voice plays a pivotal role in shaping the clarity and impact of our language. Whether you’re a student striving to improve your academic writing, a professional aiming to craft persuasive business documents, or an aspiring writer seeking to engage your readers, grasping the nuances of active and passive voice is essential.

The concept of active and passive voice revolves around how we structure sentences to convey actions and information. In active voice, the subject performs the action, allowing for a direct and compelling sentence structure. On the other hand, passive voice shifts the emphasis to the receiver of the action, often leading to a more indirect and sometimes ambiguous expression. Understanding when and how to employ each voice is crucial in tailoring our message to suit the intended audience and purpose of our writing.

In this comprehensive exploration of active and passive voice, we will delve into examples that vividly illustrate the contrast between the two voices. By analyzing these examples, you will gain valuable insights into the impact of sentence construction on communication. As we progress, you will discover the power of active voice in engaging readers, and the occasional utility of passive voice in specific contexts.

1. Active: The chef prepares a delicious meal.
Passive: A delicious meal is prepared by the chef.

2. Active: She wrote a beautiful poem.
Passive: A beautiful poem was written by her.

3. Active: The students solved the math problems quickly.
Passive: The math problems were solved quickly by the students.

4. Active: The gardener planted flowers in the garden.
Passive: Flowers were planted in the garden by the gardener.

5. Active: He fixed the broken car.
Passive: The broken car was fixed by him.

6. Active: The teacher explained the lesson clearly.
Passive: The lesson was explained clearly by the teacher.

7. Active: The team won the championship.
Passive: The championship was won by the team.

8. Active: The company launched a new product yesterday.
Passive: A new product was launched by the company yesterday.

9. Active: The carpenter built a wooden table.
Passive: A wooden table was built by the carpenter.

10. Active: The mechanic repaired the faulty engine.
Passive: The faulty engine was repaired by the mechanic.

11. Active: The dog chased the cat.
Passive: The cat was chased by the dog.

12. Active: The artist painted a stunning portrait.
Passive: A stunning portrait was painted by the artist.

13. Active: They designed a modern house.
Passive: A modern house was designed by them.

14. Active: The kids played games at the park.
Passive: Games were played at the park by the kids.

15. Active: The teacher assigned homework to the students.
Passive: Homework was assigned to the students by the teacher.

16. Active: The committee made the decision.
Passive: The decision was made by the committee.

17. Active: The waiter served the customers.
Passive: The customers were served by the waiter.

18. Active: The company will release a new product next month.
Passive: A new product will be released by the company next month.

19. Active: The construction crew built the skyscraper.
Passive: The skyscraper was built by the construction crew.

20. Active: The conductor directed the orchestra.
Passive: The orchestra was directed by the conductor.

21. Active: The teacher praised the students for their hard work.
Passive: The students were praised by the teacher for their hard work.

22. Active: The kids performed a dance routine on stage.
Passive: A dance routine was performed by the kids on stage.

23. Active: The chef cooked a gourmet meal for the guests.
Passive: A gourmet meal was cooked by the chef for the guests.

24. Active: The police arrested the suspect.
Passive: The suspect was arrested by the police.

25. Active: The company offered him a promotion.
Passive: He was offered a promotion by the company.

26. Active: The director produced a critically acclaimed film.
Passive: A critically acclaimed film was produced by the director.

27. Active: The gardener watered the plants in the morning.
Passive: The plants were watered in the morning by the gardener.

28. Active: The team scored a winning goal in the last minute.
Passive: A winning goal was scored by the team in the last minute.

29. Active: The tailor sewed a beautiful dress for the bride.
Passive: A beautiful dress was sewn by the tailor for the bride.

30. Active: The scientist conducted the experiment.
Passive: The experiment was conducted by the scientist.

31. Active: The artist drew a breathtaking landscape.
Passive: A breathtaking landscape was drawn by the artist.

32. Active: The committee rejected the proposal.
Passive: The proposal was rejected by the committee.

33. Active: The chef garnished the dish with fresh herbs.
Passive: The dish was garnished with fresh herbs by the chef.

34. Active: The company issued a statement regarding the incident.
Passive: A statement regarding the incident was issued by the company.

35. Active: The students asked the teacher questions during the lecture.
Passive: Questions were asked by the students to the teacher during the lecture.

36. Active: The engineer designed the new bridge.
Passive: The new bridge was designed by the engineer.

37. Active: The coach motivated the team before the game.
Passive: The team was motivated by the coach before the game.

38. Active: The singer performed a soulful song at the concert.
Passive: A soulful song was performed by the singer at the concert.

39. Active: The company manufactured the new smartphone model.
Passive: The new smartphone model was manufactured by the company.

40. Active: The police officer apprehended the suspect.
Passive: The suspect was apprehended by the police officer.

41. Active: The artist sculpted a magnificent statue.
Passive: A magnificent statue was sculpted by the artist.

42. Active: The chef seasoned the dish with spices.
Passive: The dish was seasoned with spices by the chef.

43. Active: The teacher assigned a project to the students.
Passive: A project was assigned to the students by the teacher.

44. Active: The mechanic inspected the car’s engine.
Passive: The car’s engine was inspected by the mechanic.

45. Active: The team developed a new software application.
Passive: A new software application was developed by the team.

46. Active: The technician repaired the faulty computer.
Passive: The faulty computer was repaired by the technician.

47. Active: The artist painted the mural on the wall.
Passive: The mural was painted on the wall by the artist.

48. Active: The company delivered the products to the customers.
Passive: The products were delivered to the customers by the company.

49. Active: The librarian organized the books on the shelves.
Passive: The books were organized on the shelves by the librarian.

50. Active: The doctor prescribed medication for the patient.
Passive: Medication was prescribed for the patient by the doctor.

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